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數學與數據科學應用研究所系列報告: Pullback attractors for 2D MHD equations on time-varying domains

發布時間:2024-02-17 浏覽次數:120

報告題目:     Pullback attractors for 2D MHD equations on time-varying domains

報告人:           宋小亞講師

報告人單位:  伟德国际1946官网

報告日期:     2023年11月9日 星期四

報告時間:     15:00-16:00

報告地點:     勵學樓B219 


報告人簡介 宋小亞,伟德国际1946官网講師,主要研究方向是非線性泛函分析與無窮維動力系統。2019年博士畢業于蘭州大學,師從孫春友教授。2019年7月-2021年11月于廣州大學做博士後,合作導師是曹道民教授。主要研究結果發表在Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.,J. Math. Phys.,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl.等期刊上。主持國家自然科學基金-青年科學項目,中國博士後科學基金面上項目,伟德国际1946官网中央高校基本科研業務費項目等課題。

報告摘要In the present paper, we consider the asymptotic dynamics of 2D MHD equations  defined on the time-varying domains with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. First we introduce some coordinate transformations to construct the invariance of the divergence operators in any n-dimensional spaces and establish some equivalent estimates of the vectors between the time-varying domains and the cylindrical domains. Then, we apply these estimates  to overcome the difficulties caused by the variations of the spatial domains, including the processing of the pressure p and the definition of weak solutions. Detailed arguments of converting the equations on the time-varying domains into the corresponding equations on the cylindrical domains are presented. Finally, we show the well-posedness of weak solutions and the existence of a compact pullback attractor for the 2D MHD equations。

