發布時間:2023-12-13 浏覽次數:104
報告題目:Stability and instability of Kelvin-Stuart cat’s eyes flows. II.
Stability and instability of Kelvin-Stuart cat’s eyes flows. III.
報告人: 朱昊(南京大學)
報告時間:2023年12月 14 日 下午16點開始
2023年12月 21 日 下午16點開始
邀請人: 程星
報告摘要:In this talk, we will continue to discuss stability and instability of Kelvin-Stuart vortices. We prove that the whole family of Kelvin-Stuart vortices is nonlinearly stable for co-periodic perturbations, and linearly unstable for multi-periodic or modulational perturbations. If time is permitted, we discuss stability and instability of Kelvin-Stuart magnetic islands, which are magnetostatic equilibria for the 2D ideal MHD equations. This talk is based on a joint work with Dr. Shasha Liao and Prof. Zhiwu Lin.
報告人簡介:朱昊,南京大學數學系研究員,曾經獲得博新計劃資助,主要從事流體動力學和微分算子譜理論等方面的研究,在國際知名期刊Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., Adv. Math., Comm. Math. Phys.等雜志發表二十多篇論文。